Happy Marvellous, Magickal, Musical, Majestic, Merry, Manifesting Monday! How are you delicious lovely? How are you feeling? It’s been a heck of a week hey, and I really hope you are taking time to practice self care tools and to Breathe and calm that Vagus nerve! I was thrilled to notice that all the delightful little seeds I had planted on Equinox (with intentions written out and in the soil) are all popping up and ready to grow and glow.
On Friday I woke up feeling supremely agitated, anxious and like a vise grip had gone around my chest! WTF? Then as I sat with it and asked it to share with me, I realised that I was picking up on the collective consciousness and my anger at my housemate who doesn’t think Corona is a thing so is being very neglectful. So once I had a conversation with him and advised him that if I got sick due to his selfishness and ignorance, he better not go to sleep as he might find two pieces of himself missing when he woke. (I wasn’t my best self at that moment). So I got outside and danced on the beach and moved all the energy through and out into the ocean. I felt much better!
I have been so impressed with humans this last week, and so dismayed as well. We always have two choices at every moment of every day – are we going to show up as our best self, or our worst self? I have watched some people scream and shout at front line workers, grocery store clerks and even people who are 6 feet away from them. They have allowed their fear to consume them and have gone into a place of it’s all about them, thus they aren’t showing up as their best selves, they’ve forgotten how.
Then I have had my hair blown back by others! If you remember I mentioned last week that I had been impelled by my guides to create a community called Light, Love and Laughter 10 days ago. Well in the space of 10 days we have grown from 1 person to just under 500!! But it’s easy to be part of a group and not really do anything right? The gorgeous delicious souls that have chosen to participate are showing up with HUGE Light, sharing their Love, laughing at themselves and seriously supporting each other and sharing the gifts and talents that each one of them has. My heart swells and soars when I see this level of humanity in play, community, connection, commitment and caring. Wowzers!
After all we are all in this together and we are each other’s salvation, right? We are all part of the circle. The Moon is a circle, Mother Earth is a circle. But actually the circle represents so much more than that. The circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the Infinite, Eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement. The energy of Nature (note the circle of the seasons). It is a symbol of divine energy. It has a feminine touch that embodies compassion, manifestation and infinity.
We heal in circles, we communicate in circles, we share deeply in safe circles, we are held in circles. Hmmmmm. Okay, I think it’s most certainly time to create some circles, don’t you, which I am thankful is what the community is doing.
When I went and asked who wanted to guide this week I was thrilled to see the glorious guides of the Lightworker Oracle show up. Now, if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them:- This deck is for lightworkers and what I mean by that is old souls. They have an interest in being of service. They want to live a life of passion and purpose and have their life mean something at a spiritual level. They care about causes that stir their hearts. They are often the black sheep of their family. Does this sound like you? I know it does for me.
The crystals that did their delicious wiggly, jiggly dance to come participate are: Rhodonite – is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. A gorgeous Yellow Jasper heart – It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Red Snowflake Obsidian – which is great for bringing things to the surface.
Okay, let’s drop into the circle. The circle of the Divine, the circle of your wise inner self. Breathe, just be and breathe. You are safe, you are held, you are healed, breathe. As you breathe and relax allow the image of expressing yourself to come into your mind’s eye. With that floating there trust yourself to pick the card or cards that you need this week.
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go have a look?
When the gift of the Seventh Ray enters your life, something new is being formed, something that will benefit your world. There may be an increased interest in magic, ceremony and ritual for healing purposes. Resonating with high frequency violet light and the Archangel Zadkiel, the Seventh Ray also helps transmute energy from the lower to higher frequency. It is a spiritual cleansing agent that allows the truth of spiritual freedom, empowerment and choice to be seen and felt, restoring hope and joy to the heart.
The Seventh Ray is the push and pull between the old and new – the life that has been can no longer continue in that form, and the new life that wants to evolve from the old. It honours traditions and ancestral wisdom that serve new life. You are asked to balance your attachment to what has been with an openness to the new. It is a time to fearlessly question what has been, honour what continues to hold value for you and dismiss what no longer serves you.
The Seventh Ray also creates form from invisible, intangible spiritual energy. These are the inspired solutions and synchronicities that seem to come out of nowhere. They are signs of the divine order happening. The Seventh Ray brings an alignment with that divine order, and the more you are willing to invoke and allow that energy to bless you, the more your life will align itself with the genius of creativity, solutions and loving opportunities the Universe wants to bring to your world.
The gifts of ritual, order and ceremony are ways to attract this energy. Conscious ceremony, done in service to unconditional divine love, feeds a need for sacred embodiment. It is the hunger with the soul that many seek to feed through religion – and others through the less conscious rituals of addiction. Ritual can be something that keeps you stuck, or opens you to the sacred.
The gift of the Seventh Ray is the ability to live as an embodied, divine presence. For humans who don’t trust or even recognise the love of the Divine in their hearts as yet, those who do are are great supporters. Use loving ritual to invite divine presence to fill you and your life. Use your consciousness to clean up your own energy field and the energy field of the world around you, so the Divine can show its face more clearly. The comfort of this can help free all beings from anguish and suffering.
The Fourth Ray of Harmony comes to you now with the qualities of beauty, harmony and balance. It empowers you to complete a spiritual initiation. Any conflict you experience now serves your divine purpose. It will eventually become the fuel you need to be born anew. Something negative will be transformed into something positive. The Archangel Gabriel helps you to receive the blessing of the Fourth Ray of Harmony, now.
When the Fourth Ray of Harmony is active in your life, you are approaching spiritual initiation, which creates a whole new person, a new you. Initiation may begin with feeling torn between two choices of realities. You may wonder if you have what it takes to get through this. You do. As you discover your strength to be patient with the process, rather than trying to force an outcome prematurely, eventually you will outgrow the conflict altogether, emerging as a wiser, more powerful you. You will have gained a positive outcome from what was once considered to be a negative situation.
The challenge and the gift with the Fourth Ray of Harmony is the increased sensitivity to beauty it engenders. Music takes on a whole new emotional depth. The beauty (or chaos) in your environment, world, and even the colours you wear, has more impact on you than usual. You can use this increased sensitivity to your advantage by choosing art, music, colours and so on that feel good for you.
The mainstream is still operating in a fear-based energy. With increased sensitivity, you can at times be more affected by this. If you are experiencing increased negativity, depression, doubt, fear or emotional instability, this is likely why. You can overcome this without shutting down. When you sense it happening, respond with a loving discipline. You might meditate, journal, dance, create art, listen to music, exercise, have a bath, or spend time in nature to bring yourself back to balance.
You may not immediately solve an issue, but start doing what you need to to take care of yourself, knowing resolution is on its way.
Your spiritual growth is changing your mind, body and soul. It is very real. It is helping you fulfil all aspects of your divine destiny. It is awakening spiritual talents and attracting in new energies. This process will bring tremendous joy and satisfaction.
The body changes as light enters. Alchemy is catalysed and transformation happens. Sometimes, the appearance of the body changes. There will be change in how the body feels, responds, acts and creates. Readiance increases. Lightness of being increases. Spiritual abilities become grounded in the body, and the spirit becomes a living reality in the body, and the material world is experienced as an extension of the divine light.
This alchemy is an empowering gift of love. Symptoms of this process can at times be challenging. So use the three simple practices to help you. Getting regular rest – additional sleep is a powerful way for the body and mind to heal and repair, integrate and re-organise. Allos time for physical exercise, which can help release excess energy, especially if you tend to feel mentally congested. Take some time away from meditation, spiritual studies or discussions and energy work. Instead, simply be in nature or rest.
Finally, working with cooling energy, not cold, but refreshing, as a way to discharge excess heat, can be extremely beneficial to body and mind. You are Alchemy in Motion.
I am clapping my hands in delight with the cards! Positively Perfect for this week, the energy and the circles! So delicious lovely, please remember to be gentle with yourself, play, smile and do something that makes you wiggle with delight. Also, remember to Open Heart, Hands Washed, Love on! I look forward to hearing about what circles mean to you, and thank you for being part of mine! Oh yes, quite a few of you have asked if I am still doing Private Readings. I am and I think next week I am going to create one that is by donation to help and support you. Huge Blessings. Massive Virtual Hugs and Squeezes.
Your reading was exactly what i needed on my journey today!! Thank you for bringing your beautiful, insightful and powerful messsges!!! Blessings and Love!
Gwendolyn, I am so happy to hear that. And thank you for your lovely words.