Has it occurred to you that this is the last Yule time (Northern Hemisphere) or Litha time (Southern Hemisphere) of this decade!! Wowzers! Let alone the fact that we are entering Eclipse time, but that’s for another day.
I love Winter Solstice and I can feel the energy of it for a few weeks before it even arrives. It’s dark far earlier, much colder outside and there is a desire to cocoon, wear warmer clothes and eat soup (at least for me). There is a sensation of reflection, going inwards and questioning that arrives naturally from this energy. To me this is a time where I notice those “meh” moments more and really examine my life and ask the question “Am I showing up and embodying what I am called to do?” That’s why, to me, I feel it vital to take some time out to honour this energy and work with it which in turn allows me to feel aligned. In fact I feel more balanced, connected and inspired after I have taken some time.
As a kid I used to be scared of the dark, I felt it held things that were terrifying and uncomfortable. As an adult I have learned that’s not true and have become willing to walk into the darkness and allow myself to get comfortably uncomfortable and dig deep, explore the mysteries and embrace all aspects of being human. Light and dark. You can’t have one without the other! Winter Solstice invites us with a safe open hand to step into the place of mystery, the warm comforting dark that wraps around us like a cosy blankie. Whispering in our ear – rest, be, embrace, release, create, imagine, grow ……….
So what is Winter Solstice and why celebrate it? Why take the time to honour it? The Pagan celebration of Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world. Winter Solstice takes place on the day where the night is the longest and the hours of sun or daylight are the shortest. In fact “Solstice” comes from two Latin words: sol meaning “sun” and sistere meaning “to stand still” because it appeared as though the sun and moon had stopped moving across the sky. This longest night of the year, followed by a renewal of the sun, demonstrates the cyclical order of the cosmos. In this way, celebrating the solstice can be a beautiful remembrance that our lives are part of a larger order, always changing, always renewing. It’s a gorgeous invitation to not be afraid of the dark or the shadow, as it is in that place is where we shift, grow and recharge.
Winter Solstice has been celebrated in various forms and for thousands of years across a myriad of cultures, all who are willing to step into the darkness and wait to welcome back the light. (And if you lived in medieval times that’s pretty ballsy!) So as I promised gorgeous one, my gift to you for this Yule time is B.O.W.S
I have been so thrilled to create this wonderful package, packed with information, rituals, intentions, magick and a glorious guided visualisation, just for you. You would have received the password for it in your email.
For my glorious ones in the South, I haven’t forgotten, let me introduce you to B.O.S.S. (Your Book of Summer Solstice). Again, packed with rituals, intentions, magick and a glorious guided visualisation.
Whether you are North or South wishing you a Blessed Solstice. So Be It.
Oh no! The PDF is password protected. You would think it was Mercury Retrograde.
Oh well. Have a blessed Yule and a very Merry Christmas.
The password was in the email.