Happy Miraculous, Misty, Magickal, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday delicious lovely! How was your Samhain/Halloween? I will confess, I was left unsupervised with a box of those cute little mini aero bars and kit kats – what can I say? I blame it on not enough Trick or Treaters! Yup, there was only half a box left and I did feel rather sick! (But they were sooo cute and delicious!) However, I did take the time to make an offering to my Ancestors and to walk with the thin veil, it was amazing.
Okay, let’s get down to the Nitty Gritty. Mercury Retrograde and Energy Shift.
Now I know some of you the minute you hear the words “Mercury Retrograde” want to run and hide under a blankie in the closet. Totally get it. Personally it impacted me the minute it shifted by reading submissions not coming through, laptops acting up and my cell phone freezing at the most inopportune moments. Sigh. Breathe, Woosah!
So as we know Mercury is the planet of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality and reasoning, and adaptability and variability. So yes we can sometimes get a tad lost and a bit like Chicken Little running around saying “Mercury is retrograde, Mercury is retrograde!”
But I love what Chani shares about Mercury retrograde:- “Mercury’s retrograde is as much of an underworld journey as Samhain. Traditionally known as a psychopomp, Mercury ushers us into the liminal space between the past and present, reason and intuition, the material and spiritual. Traditionally, a psychopomp is a spirit guide that helps souls transition from the living world to the afterlife. A spirit that guides us on our journey from the known to the unknown, Mercury helps to bridge to gap between the conscious mind to the unconscious realms.
In Scorpio, this Mercury retrograde runs deep, the pieces of the past that this transit is sure to exhume will be startling, but necessary. Because Mercury’s retrograde also asks us to reflect on the past, retrieving aspects of ourselves and the energy that got stuck there, there is a double emphasis on connecting the present to our roots. Helping us unlock our minds from the this/that, here/there paradigms we get stuck in, this Mercury retrograde is able to help us connect with an ancestor, an aspect of self, or an email long-lost in our inbox. Whatever it brings back to you, this Mercury retrograde is sure to resurface the perfect piece of information at exactly the right time.”
So are you willing to play with that exploration?
Okay, so we have unpacked this Mercury Retrograde, now let’s unpack the Energy Shift – whoot! Whoot! Now if you remember this is the Shamanic look at the energy for the month, so for example September was – Commitment, October was – Re-Writing the Story and now for November (drum roll please……………..) The Energy is inviting you to look and work with Proactive Change! So what the heck does that mean you might be asking? Fair enough, please let Lena explain it:- “The focus is on how we can show up from a place of inner choice that is ours alone and free of outside influences, pressures and imprinting.
It is indeed a time to stop complaining about how difficult and challenging the last few weeks have been, and get a bit ruthless about what you intend to change. This is not a passive time. Even the climate that promotes self-observation and emotional reset is an active one as it demands a choice and a direction at the end. Being proactive means choosing change, choosing to say yes or no, choosing to receive, choosing your attitude for the day, choosing acceptance of what is not yours to change, and choosing to be creative and expressive from something inside of you, your unique and personal signature, instead of an outside influence or pressure.
One of the enemies of proactive change is procrastination. When you procrastinate you do so out of resistance to being proactive. The more you procrastinate the more vulnerable you are to the passive state that allows for a less than desirable outcome. So, if you are procrastinating a task, a communication or a decision, don’t wait. Do it now or release it for good.”…….
To read more you can find it here.
So let’s look at this as a package. We have had Samhain which is celebrating our ancestors, looking back and asking for help. On that exact day Mercury went retrograde and invited us to do our inner work and now we have the invitation to really be Proactive about the Change that we want to create and manifest in our lives. (Are you paying attention?????)
For me, personally, this time between Samhain and Winter Solstice is an introspective time, a sorting/sifting time, a time to really do the work and snuggle up as the days get shorter and the weather gets colder. A time to unpack and release the dross that no longer serves and to create a space for something new and nourishing. Are you willing to play with it? Yes, this is deep work, yes there are soooooo many distractions that look far more sparkly, shiny and interesting. But what if you gave yourself 20 minutes a day to do something quiet, deep, introspective, how would that feel? If you do the math between now and Winter Solstice you would have made space and time for 17 hours of deep introspective, exploratory, discovery time! Wowzer! Talk about Proactive Change!
Just saying…..
Okay, enough chuntering, let’s crack on – you have enough to perk and play with for the moment!
When I asked the cards who wanted to be your guides this week the glorious Isis Oracle were adamant to come and be front and centre. This is quite interesting as normally Isis doesn’t participate in “public readings”. It’s also rather ironic based on what we have just been exploring.
Have you ever asked who Isis is? Goddess of the Skies, Magick and Wisdom are just a few of the titles she is given. Let me take a moment to introduce you to this lovely deck – “You are a powerful Soul and you are awakening. Your thoughts, feelings and inner world is changing, and so too is your outer world. When a Soul is growing in power and strength, it can benefit from guidance to help make the path into a new way of being in the world that much easier. Isis offers Her wisdom and guidance to you to assist you at this time of spiritual growth and transition. She loves you, and wants you to shine and be your radiant self, filled with power and wisdom.”
The crystals that wiggled and woggled to come and support are:- Blue Apatite – Increase your appetite for life! This lovely crystal helps to clear away the fog because it reminds us that what lies before and behind are of little consequence. It’s the energy that lies within that holds the key to eternal happiness. Emerald – help you open the heart to receive love in all aspects of life. The emerald meaning encourages you to give love to others as well as receive their love, enhance your own self-love and strengthen your connection with divine love. And last but not least, Peacock Ore – surrounds you with light to inspire positivity. It is a stone of creativity, innovation and blessings that helps to increase creative energies and stimulate new ideas.
There are also some heavenly scented flowers that are blooming on a gorgeous unknown to me tree!
Ready? I invite you to just BE for a few moments, just BE and BREATHE. Wiggle your fingers and toes, look at your hands and bring yourself to this moment, this present moment. As you breathe let the image of a warm, dark, cosy space flood up in your mind’s eye. In this space you nurture yourself, you are held, you are safe. In this space you can connect with something bigger than yourself and proactively make amazing changes in your life. Breathe that in; let it just float with no attachment to it. With this floating inside you allow it to pick the card or cards that want to share with you this week. So it is.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s see what guidance Isis would like to share shall we?
Effect in the external world can be created through inner practice. Magick and Ritual can support your Divine Path now in the physical world and you are encouraged to enhance your power with regular practice. The results that you experience will encourage you to continue with the practice as you grow in power, grace, love, ability and wisdom, and apply your inner beauty to transform your outer world.
For us to grow empowered and potent on the Path of Ancient Feminine Power we need to honour our knowing and being and cultivate sacred practice. Sacred practice become the habit of growing our spiritual power and consciousness. Like a garden needing regular care and watering to blossom and flourish, our inner garden of the Soul, where our creativity, joy, spiritual gifts and bliss bubble away, also needs regular attention. Coming to our practice takes strength and inner will – even though it can feel amazing, we still have to wake up, set aside time and discipline ourselves to show up for our own inner growth. We will reap the benefits when we do, but we must allow ourselves to fall in love with our practice, to craft something that really speaks to us, so that we want to do it. The desire and the discipline together help us engage with our practice regularly and we can grow so fast it can be quite shocking!
You have great power and wisdom within you, but you need to provide channels for it to flow and be active and empowered in your physical life. Sacred Practice is such a channel. Without these channels, the ego is left to create on its own which is not much fun at all! The ego believes in fear and separation and no matter how much it may want to feel love, bliss, connection, joy and fulfilment, it really cannot do it without your spiritual presence in life. Ritual and Magick, as a form of sacred practice, are recommended for you as a way to bring more spiritual presence into your waking life, to heal and support the ego as you learn to create a life that feels better and brings you and others more fulfilment.
It is only this physical reality that is bound by time and space. You are a being conscious on levels beyond the physical world. You are guided to work with your healing powers beyond the confines of time and space and to allow your sense of Self to expand. It is safe for you to do this now. You will not become ungrounded through such spiritual growth. You are not leaving your earthly awareness, you are instead adding to it.
You are growing in power and awareness. You have had breakthrough insights where you realise that you are not who you thought you were, you are in fact a much vaster being. Sometimes this was shocking and uncomfortable, and difficult to accept. At other times it was gentle and made much sense to you. You are learning to integrate this awareness of your vast Self into your life. The practical consequences of doing so are extraordinary – to live with less and less fear and insecurity, to become more detached and more passionate, more loving and less demanding, to need less and receive more, to feel more joy and exert less force to attain it…..Such wonderful gifts await you!
Isis guides you to powers and abilities to heal that are beyond time and space. It starts with the realisation that what has happened in the past has power over you only to the extent that you allow it. The portal of light is being opened to you now to travel through time and space to release the past, to open up to a future bright and to call for more power in the present moment.
The Rattle of Isis, the Sistrum, is playing in the hand of the goddess now. Can you sense it with your inner hearing? Its vibration reaches through your crown chakra and enters your body, initiating you into great ancient power mysteries of sound, creativity and healing. This is a time when words and music will become increasingly important on your spiritual path and healing journey.
When the Lady Isis initiates a beloved into Her Ancient Mysteries, life can become quite interesting! An Initiate of Isis does not just learn new ideas as a student, but is thrown into the experience of the mysteries in real day-to-day living so that they may be truly mastered in our lives and then utilised in service to help the lives of others too, so that one day, all beings will be healed and whole, according to the will of the Divine Feminine.
The Rattle of Isis initiates us into the mysteries of sound healing and creation through vibration. If we listen carefully with our inner ear, we can hear the sounds of the Universe alive. Remember, just as your body may naturally wish to dance when you hear a wonderful piece of music with your physical ears, so too when the inner ear of the Soul hears the cosmic tune of the Divine Mother urging growth, healing and greater joy, the Soul wishes to move and our lives change! Trust in the flow, work with your words to bring yourself into alignment with your Soul, remembering that the Soul resonates with love, bliss, abundance, peace, joy and connection with all that is. Focus on these kinds of energies and your words will help you align with your Soul and genuinely feel the peace beneath the changes you are experiencing in your life.
Have I said I love what I do? I love my guides, I love the cards, I love you. I love what I do! The cards that speak to this energy and invite you to go deeper in this cocoon, the crystals to support that. Wowzer! (Seriously I am grinning like a maniac – it’s not very attractive lol). Okay delicious lovely, a brief heads up. There will be no reading next week as it is Remembrance Day here, and I most certainly honour the people who had the passion to stand up and make a difference so that I can live in safety, in a democracy, in peace. I hope you have a glorious week, take time to go inward (it is quite delicious) and nourish yourself. Do something everyday that lights you up! Huge hugs and squeezes and see you in 2 weeks.
Thank you so very much! I have dropped off of your readings the last few weeks and realized now that that isnt a good idea, lol. My world has been chaotic to say the least, and, most displeasing, at my own hand. I have been procrastinating like crazy at pulling the plug on my marriage (if it can even be called that at this point). I pump myself up to go then ego and its fear creeps in and I stop myself. As you may imagine, I have lots of excuses, but that doesn’t help anyone or thing does it?
As you may have surmised by know, this reading really spoke to me, lol, certainly one to get the blaze going again. I almost didn’t read because I always read through the love your life page, but couldn’t find it. So I put down my phone and my guides said, “pick it up, you will get much from it”. And as most often, they were right. I read all 3 and of course all had much value to me.
In the last year I have been cultivating my own psychic gifts, mediumship, spiritual healing, channeling guidance. I’ve even trained as a psychpomp, yes! And I totally understand you… when I connect people to a passed loved one, or give a message answering a question I had no knowledge of and I see the light in the clients eyes of love, relief, contentment….aahh yes I love what I do too!
And I am so grateful, that you do what you do. I have over the last 3 years found much joy, excitement and guidance in your readings. I’m guessing the last few weeks were guidance I wasn’t ready or willing to hear. That changed tonight, hey proactive change – it counts, yes? Lol
Didn’t intend to be so long winded, guess I had a lot to get out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love what you do! I love that you share yourself with us! I love you, brilliant one!
Much love
Krista, so good to hear from you again! I’m so glad you shared what you have been experiencing and I send you massive hugs and squeezes sweetie!